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Why Become a Member?

Membership in the local Union gives you a voice. Many people complain about legitimate problems we face as local freelancers. Membership gives you the chance to do something about it. We encourage all freelancers to let your voice be heard by becoming a member of Local 745.


Only members can participate in contract negotiations, vote on Collectively Bargained Agreements, elect the local Union leadership, and serve as a Union steward or a Union officer. There are also several programs sponsored by the IATSE International that are for only members.


For Full Membership, the initial cost is $572. This includes the International ($100) and Local ($400) initiation fees as well as your first quarter of dues (2023: $72/quarter) in IATSE Local 745. You can request an application through email:


Both the International Office and the Local will need to approve your application. If accepted, you will receive a Union card and quarterly stamp.


Once your membership is approved, your ongoing financial obligations to the IATSE will be (as of 2023 - $72) per quarter. You are still required to pay the 1.5% Referral List fee on all gross earnings done under the Collective Bargaining Agreements. You will be issued a new IATSE stamp for each quarter which you are current. Quarterly due dates are January 1, April 1, July 1 and October 1 but you can pay yearly, half year, or quarterly.


It is important to note that you do not have to be a Union member to work under the contract but you will be limited as to how and when you can work. All persons working under Local 745 contracts receive equal benefits, regardless of their membership status.


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